Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Carrying Out Your Game Plan

The first indicator I wanted to apply to my classroom was 4a: advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources. I wanted to focus on Internet Safety. I plan on using ePals, my class blogs, and Edmoto (social networking site) to allow student to practice the safety tips presented. My class has already been participating in class using these tools while I am monitoring their work. I would like students to be aware of the safety issues that correlate with Internet use. As a class, I will have my students brainstorm a list of safety tips that they have learned. Using a concept map, we will group students ideas using a web to determine similarities and new information. Next, students will research safety concerns using Students will learn about various Internet safety guidelines. Next, my students will design a poster on Publisher or Pages to display Internet safety tips throughout the school. Lastly, students will design and record a skit that teaches a lesson on Internet safety. These lessons will be displayed on our morning news station. Students will take ownership in being a responsible Internet user and will be less likely to become a cyberbully or misuse the Internet.
My other indicator I wanted to focus on was 1b: engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. I would like to continue applying this indicator using my soil unit, but I am not able to teach that unit until October. I have already used the Internet to display x-rays demonstrating the various bones in a human body for our current science unit. Next, students will be dissecting owl pellets in our science unit. I plan on providing a virtual owl pellet dissection for the students that are not able to be in class, so that they could have a similar experience at home( I would like to set up a videoconference with a doctor so my students can ask questions about the bones, muscles, or joints. I would like to find more resources for bones, muscles, or joints in the human body that would allow my student to solve authentic problems using their knowledge. I will continue searching for a PBL (problem based learning) or webquests that are appropriate for third grade and reflects the objects in our curriculum.


Cathy said...

Actually, I would first like to comment on your last post..I really agree with your statement that one needs to stay current in methods and tools in order to be a (passionate and highly) effective teacher. I took the liberty to insert just a couple of words.

If you haven't already looked at
they have free resources (videos, worksheets, news) on cyberbullying, digital citizenship, and internet safety. I did a unit with my 5th graders, they then did voicethreads on the vocabulary that we learned. I played if for the 4th graders, which in turn empowered the 5th graders. It was cool! Good luck!

Susan Craig said...


You have some fun ideas for meeting your goals for indicator 4a. Your students should really enjoy creating skits and posters and having their work presented to others.

Just this morning I was looking for videos on Internet safety. Here's a link I found to some student-created work that you may enjoy or be able to use:

The site is sponsored by They host a contest for student-produced work and the contestants range in age from elementary to high school.

Thanks for sharing your ideas!

Keri said...


I have used some of the resources on Brainpop for other topics. Thank you for making me aware of the Internet safety resources available. I know that you are able to access many fantastic videos through Brainpop, but a registration fee is necessary.


Keri said...


Thank you for sharing the website on Internet safety. I love how they turned this topic into a contest. What a fantastic way to bring awareness to Internet safety! Thank you for sharing!


Cathy said...

I enjoyed looking at the website that you posted, and the one that Susan posted as well.
About Brainpop, there are usually 2-3 free videos per topic that are free to educators. Very easy to access.

Tammy Crosby said...


I have read your work during several Walden classes and your work is consistently thoughtful. I get the impression that if you say your going to do something, it will be done well.

For instance, providing websites in your post solidifies the impression you have really done what you said you would in your GAME plan.

I'm sure your students work as hard for you as you do for them.

I wish my children could be in your class!

Keri said...


Thank you so much. As I always say, anything worth doing is worth doing well!